As I am consistently learning for my services. I also enjoy keeping up on various other topics. I have included links to some of my favourite websites below. Feel free to browse and educate yourself on a variety of different topics.
Aston Kinetics
Centred based movement/bodywork. I am a certified Aston Practitioner. The only one in Winnipeg. This is the website to one of my teachers Judith Aston, and Brian Linderoth. There’s an online store to order ergonomic seat wedges, books and video’s to see the body through Aston paradigm.
Bruce Lipton, PhD
Interesting research by Bruce Lipton on a new biology, epigenetics and thinking beyond our genes. I heard about Psych-K from Bruce Lipton then took the training.
Buteyko Clinic
The Buteyko Method is a lifestyle choice. It involves re-educating your breathing pattern to improve blood circulation, oxygen delivery, and airway functioning.
Bro Sanchez TV
”Welcome to Bro Sanchez TV where the mysteries of the ancients are unraveled and occult symbolism is deciphered with the use of syncretism, sacred geometry and etymology. My content focuses on exposing the programs that are used to keep the masses under mind control while also shedding light on the diabolical agendas of the controllers.”
The Centre for Nonviolent Communication
Nonviolent communication (centered/heart based communication). This language reveals the awareness that all human beings are only trying to honour universal values and needs, every minute, every day.
High quality red/orange/near infrared low flicker light’s that I use and recommend. Common benefits people have received are improved circulation, pain relief, skin rejuvenation etc. Click on this link to save 10% on your purchase.
Possibly one of the Healthiest way to build homes. Check it out.
”Geoship Regenerative Architecture. Let’s build the future of home. Geoship combines the most efficient structure known to man*, with a breakthrough in ceramic material science. Ceramic dome technology makes it possible for a home to be 100% non-toxic, zero carbon, designed for a 500 year lifespan, fire resistant, earthquake resistant, hurricane resistant, flood resistant, and endlessly customizable.”
Institute for Responsible Technology
The most comprehensive source of GMO health information on the web. I like to eat local, organic, or non-GMO.
Laughter Yoga International
Are you stressed out, depressed or having health problems? Do you want to bring more laughter and joy into your life? Laughter Yoga is the right choice for you.
Nutrition Facts
Michael Gregor, MD uncovers research on the healthiest way to eat. You can download the healthiest foods to eat daily called the daily dozen for free.
PSYCH-K Centre International
I am a Psych-K facilitator. PSYCH-K™ is a profound set of processes which assist the subconscious mind to re-write self-limiting subconscious programmes (beliefs), changing them into life-enhancing ones.
Centered way to see for best eyesight. Info on improving our eye sight holistically.